29/05/2013 · So to obtain wisdom from God to endure trials joyfully, the first thing is to recognize your need for it. Then know your God, who is the source of all wisdom. He reveals that wisdom chiefly in His Word through His Spirit to those whose hearts are ready to obey Him.If you lack wisdom, ask God for wisdom and understanding and allow Him to give you the knowledge that you seek. 4. Apply His Precepts. The final step to receive godly wisdom is to apply the knowledge that the Lord gives you during your Bible study and prayer time.25/07/2018 · If you are in a place in life where you must make a major decision, I encourage you to seek God’s wisdom in making your decisions. So often we make choices out of emotion, jealousy, and even selfishness. The only thing that leads to is chaos! It isn’t worth it. Use God’s wisdom to make your decisions and you will reap peace and righteousness.How To Get Wisdom From God. If we want to receive wisdom, we must have the knowledge of God, and to receive this knowledge we must embark on a diligent study of the Scriptures. “Give diligence [study – KJV] to present thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, handling aright the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15).04/01/2022 · In summary, to tap into God’s wisdom, we must diligently study God’s Word (2 Timothy 2:15), meditate on the Word, pray for wisdom, seek it with all our hearts, and walk in the Spirit. God desires to give His wisdom to His children.04/11/2014 · In James 1:5-8 we discover that God is ready and willing to give us the wisdom we need if we will ask him for it. But there is a condition. We must truly want the wisdom God gives. If we want it, we can have it. How much do you want God’s wisdom? Our Condition: Desperately Needing Wisdom “Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God” (v. 5a).21/01/2014 · Make a decision today to ‘lean in’ to wisdom. Receive wisdom from wise people, feed on God’s wisdom every day. Positioning yourself to receive and apply positive, life-giving words is an essential key to building a blessed and productive life. Scripture Reference: Proverbs 2:1 NLT “My child, listen to what I say, and treasure my commands.”04/01/2022 · However, to get wisdom, we evaluate our folly from God’s perspective and set personal boundaries so that we don’t repeat it. Wisdom involves seeing life from God’s perspective and acting accordingly. We must remove the shackles of earth-bound thinking and purpose to see life through a bigger lens. Life is not about us. It is about God.
How can I receive wisdom?How can I receive wisdom?What happens when you apply the wisdom of God to life?What happens when you apply the wisdom of God to life?Do you seek God’s wisdom when you make decisions?Do you seek God’s wisdom when you make decisions?What does the Bible say about asking for wisdom?What does the Bible say about asking for wisdom?
Gods Wisdom Verses Man'sGod Wisdom BibleGod Will Give You WisdomSeeking the Wisdom of GodWisdom Bible Quote GodGod Wisdom for TodayTrust God's Wisdom
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